Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Edition #2 from Wintson Smith

Utopia, our big brother Joseph is watching
June 13th Edition #2
Winston Smith here, I am back from the "Ministry of Love" Where I realized that I was wrong and 2+2 does in fact equal 5 !!!!!! Thank God for torture !!!!! Is water boarding torture? because I thought I saw Dick Cheney.
What kind of messed up cult, I mean - religion, teaches a wife to leave a husband because he does not believe that 2+2=5? What kind of messed up messed up cult, I mean religion teaches a mother and father to disown their child because they don't believe 2+2=5? What kind of messed up cult, I mean religion brutalizes, intimidates, and harasses it's members if they don't believe 2+2=5??? THE MORMON CULT !!!Be very cautious, be very afraid, Joseph is watching....
Sincerely, Winston Smith (no relation to Joseph)
p.s. stay tuned, for the third edition of Utopia

Edition #1 from Winston Smith

Utopia, our big brother Joseph is watching
June 10th Edition # 1

The phrase (2+2=5) is a slogan used in George Orwell's book "1984" as an example of an obviously false dogma one must believe, similar to other obviously false slogans by the "party" in "1984," or, in the real world, by totalitarian political regimes like the Nazi, or Communist party's, or totalitarian religions like medieval Catholicism, or Islam. After being caught in a "sting" operation by the secret police; Winston Smith: the protagonist of the story is tortured into declaring that he saw five fingers, when asked "what is 2+2?" When he actually saw only four.
I was born and raised a "Mormon" I feel akin to Winston. Having been taught my whole life that 2+2=5. Then one day, in my cubbie-hole hidden away from the "eye of big brother" my studies showed me that 2+2=4. What an awe inspiring revelation ! ! I wanted the entire world to know!!!!!

Sincerely, Winston Smith (no relation to Joseph)
P.S. stay tuned for the next edition of Utopia...