Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Edition #2 from Wintson Smith

Utopia, our big brother Joseph is watching
June 13th Edition #2
Winston Smith here, I am back from the "Ministry of Love" Where I realized that I was wrong and 2+2 does in fact equal 5 !!!!!! Thank God for torture !!!!! Is water boarding torture? because I thought I saw Dick Cheney.
What kind of messed up cult, I mean - religion, teaches a wife to leave a husband because he does not believe that 2+2=5? What kind of messed up messed up cult, I mean religion teaches a mother and father to disown their child because they don't believe 2+2=5? What kind of messed up cult, I mean religion brutalizes, intimidates, and harasses it's members if they don't believe 2+2=5??? THE MORMON CULT !!!Be very cautious, be very afraid, Joseph is watching....
Sincerely, Winston Smith (no relation to Joseph)
p.s. stay tuned, for the third edition of Utopia

1 comment:

  1. Two years an no post? Good stuff. My blog has the EXACT same layout as yous. You should keep blogging.
